Bitter Truth Tonic Bitter 0,20 Litros

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This bitter tonic unleashes a complex symphony of bitterness to awaken your senses. Imbibing this 20 cl bottle is like taking a journey through the bitter landscape of the palate, with notes of grapefruit peel, chamomile flowers and darkest cocoa. Crafted from a harmonious blend of botanicals, this tonic bitter stimulates the taste buds while transporting the mind, evoking memories of bitter herbs picked from the hedgerow and infused in steaming cups of Earl Grey. Take a sip and let the bitterness flood your mouth, awakening the vista of your taste buds, stirring the olfactory receptors of your nose and heightening your gustatory powers. This masterfully balanced bitter tonic delivers an exuberant yet sophisticated experience that lingers long after the last drop.

Data sheet

0.20 L