Lustau Manzanilla Papirusa

Lustau's Manzanilla Papirusa sherry entices all the senses. A whiff of this generous Andalucían wine transports one's nose to Spain's vineyards, inviting both vista and olfato. Upon sip, the gusto is of subtle, ripe notes - perfect for maridaje with a light meal or as an aperitif. An ideal sherry for those seeking a timeless yet generous addition to the table, in true Lustau fashion.
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Lustau's Manzanilla Papirusa sherry entices all the senses. A whiff of this generous Andalucían wine transports one's nose to Spain's vineyards, inviting both vista and olfato. Upon sip, the gusto is of subtle, ripe notes - perfect for maridaje with a light meal or as an aperitif. An ideal sherry for those seeking a timeless yet generous addition to the table, in true Lustau fashion.

Data sheet

Type of wine
Generous wine
D.O. Jerez-Xerès-Sherry
Bodegas Lustau
0.75 L